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The Moment - New Television Program

THE MOMENT is a new 28:30 television show. It is an “Access Hollywood” meet magazine show human interest production (in this case “Access Holy Word”). The show looks at high profile Christians in the news and little-known Christians surrounding a single question: Tell us about a significant “Moment” in your life when you were deeply impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit? This could range from a salvation story to a “spirit encounter” which changed the trajectory of the person’s life.


Segments include both live and remote interviews, along with music videos, a dramatic segment “A Moment in History” and each program will be completed with a “Your Moment” salvation invitation. The programs will be targeted to both faith-based and commercial television.

Religious broadcasting has for a long while been dominated by church services and over the last couple of decades talking heads interview-only programs. According to a Barna Group survey, 43% of adults in the United States watched some Christian television programming in the past month. This is roughly the same number of people who attend Christian churches in a given week.


The Moment takes some of the best elements of different aspects of Christian programming (Interviews, music videos, dramatic reenactments etc.), and combines them into one program, while at the same time, highlighting the work of the Holy Spirit and presenting the salvation message.


Meet the Host
Dr. Antipas Harris is a public theologian, leader, scholar, author, and public speaker. He is
passionately engaged in reimagining the role of faith in the public square and the formation
of future leaders for the church and the world. His leadership experience is multifaceted
and spans theological education, the church, and the community. Dr. Harris brings to the 
program a wealth of information, ability to connect with different people on an
international level, and he is charismatic with a warm personality.​


Partner with us
Global Community is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations allow us to continue producing "THE MOMENT" and airing it on more Television and Internet stations. Thanks for your gifts.

Program Segments
Live Interviews.png
Music Videos.png


Music Videos

Voices of Pentecost.png

A Moment in History


In Their Own

© 2025 by Global Community - Transforming the World Through Communication

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